Course Title: The Social Sciences

Course Code: GSP 201

Units: 2

Course Objectives: This course is aimed at introducing the students to the disciplines in the Social Sciences and this helps in bringing out their anthropocentric nature. Students are taught the application of the principles of the various disciplines in the Social Sciences to the problems in Nigeria and the world. It is aimed at equipping the students with the ability to apply basic analytical tools and methodologies in the analysis of social structures, relationships and social processes. It also exposes students to the relationship between social sciences as academic disciplines and the General Studies programme as pioneered and sustained by the University of Nigeria.

Students majoring in any of the Social Sciences and who have offered related courses in their base Departments may be exempted from this course, GSP 201.

Course Outline

  1. The Universe of the Social Sciences
  2. Definition and Boundaries of the Social Sciences
  3. Various Disciplines of the Social Sciences
  4. Characteristics of the Social Sciences
  5. Social Sciences Research Methodology
  6. Introduction
  7. Basic Principles of Social Research
  8. Comparison of Commonsense and Scientific Method
  9. Relevance of Documentation
  10. Forms of Documentation
  11. The Role of Sociology and Anthropology in Human Society
  12. Overview of Sociology
  13. Overview of Anthropology
  14. Similarities and differences between Sociology and Anthropology
  15. Contributions of Anthropology to Development
  16. Meaning of Culture
  17. Culture and Social Change
  18. Religion and Social Change
  19. Overview of Religion
  20. Theories of Religion
  21. Functions of Religion
  22. Religion and Social Change


  1. Geography and Human Society
    1. Concepts and Contents of Geography
    2. Major Branches of Geography
    3. Geography as a Social Science
    4. The Place of Geography in the Society
    5. Civil Society and Social Justice
  2. Basic Concepts of Government
  3. Arms of Government and their Functions
  4. Nature of Corruption in Nigeria
  5. The Police and Law Enforcement
  6. Crime and Social Control
  7. Cultism and Contemporary Nigeria

VII. Psychology

  1. Basic Concepts
  2. Psychology as a Social Science
  3. Some Applications of Psychology
  4. Concepts of Personality
  5. Factors Affecting Personality

VIII. Economics as a Social Science

  1. Basic Concepts of Economics
  2. Economics as a Social Science
  3. The Price System
  4. Theory of Demand
  5. Theory of Supply
  6. Determinants of Market Price – the Equilibrium Price
  7. Gender Empowerment and Society
  8. Conceptual Meaning of Gender
  9. Feminism as a Social Movement
  10. Gender Empowerment
  11. Tradition and Relations
  12. Politics and Gender Relations



Course Title: Issues in Peace and Conflict Studies

Course Code: GSP 202

Units: 2

The National Universities Commission in collaboration with the University for Peace, an affiliate of the United Nations, recommends this course as part of the General Studies programme in all universities in Nigeria. The course is compulsory for all undergraduates of the University irrespective of their specializations. It is designed to expose students to the basic Principles of Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS) and by so doing contribute to the reduction of intra- and inter- group strifes and promote harmonious co-existence without which sustainable development is impossible.

Applicable social-science methods are addressed. Students are taught the theories of peace and conflict and the nature of these as social phenomena. Students are also taught the processes of conflict management, conflict resolution, and the workings of the various agencies involved in these processes in traditional settings and at national and international levels.


Course Outline

  1. Nature and Concepts in Peace and Conflict Studies
  2. Definitions and Perspectives
  3. Types-Intra & Inter Personal, Intra & Inter-State, Inter-Communal, Global, etc.
  4. General Causes of Conflict
  5. Stages of Conflict
  6. Concepts in PCS
  7. Theories of Peace and Conflicts
  8. Definition of Theory
  9. Theory in Social Processes
  10. Types of Peace and Conflict theory
  11. Conflict Analysis and Handling Styles
  12. Definition of Conflict Analysis
  13. Issue, Stakeholder, and Context Analysis
  14. Methods of Conflict Analysis
  15. Conflict Handling Styles
  16. Alternative Dispute Resolution
  17. Ethnicity, Identity and Conflict in Africa
  18. Definition of Ethnicity
  19. Major Theories of Ethnicity
  20. Communal/Indigene Conflict in Africa
  21. African Indigenous Approaches to Peace and Conflict
  22. V. Media, Language and Communication in Peace and Conflict
  23. Definition
  24. Media s
  25. Strategies for Conflict Management
  26. Early Warning Signal
  27. Ethics and Conflict Reporting
  28. Factors Affecting Communication
  29. Roadblocks to Communication
  30. Peace Education, Peer Mediation and Nonviolent Resistance
  31. Definitions
  32. School Subjects in Peace Education
  33. Types of Peace Education
  34. Culture of Peace
  35. Methods of Nonviolence Resistance
  36. Nonviolence Mechanisms of Change

VII. Terrorism and its Management

  1. Definitions
  2. Types
  3. Strategies
  4. Management

VIII. International Organisations and Conflict Resolution

  1. United Nations Peace Support Operations (PSOs)
  2. African Union Peace Support Operations
  3. AU Conflict Management Frameworks
  4. Sub-regional Organizations in Conflict Resolution
  5. Multi-Track Diplomacy (Nine tracks)
  6. Track 1: Government
  7. Track 2: NGO/Professional
  8. Track 3: Business
  9. Track 4: Private Citizen
  10. Track 5: Research, Training, & Education
  11. Track 6: Activism
  12. Track 7: Religion
  13. Track 8: Funding
  14. Track 9: Media


Course Evaluation and Grading

Students are required to attend a minimum of 75% of the lectures to qualify for examination in the course. A maximum score of 100 points are awarded as follows:

(a) 30 points for continuous assessment which comprises class assignments, tests, and attendance;

(b) 70 points for the end of semester examination.