Programme Plan
The two courses are run in two semesters in the students second year of study. GSP 201 is offered in first semester while GSP 202 is offered in second semester. However, some departments require their students to take the courses in their first year. The teaching is at two levels. First, there is a general lecture in which all students are required to attend and afterwards the topics that are treated in the general lectures are discussed in detail in smaller seminar classes. A lecturer is assigned to each of those seminar classes, and student participation is greatly encouraged.
Credit Load
Each course carries two credit units.
Methods of Unit Course Registration
The Social Sciences Unit demands that course registration takes the following steps:
I. Students pay the relevant University fees and collect receipt(s);
ii. Report to the School of General Studies and present the receipts to the staff appointed for accreditation in the Dean’s office;
iii. Report to the Social Sciences Unit to register and get details, about class grouping, lecture schedule, lecturer and lecture venues;
iv. Proceed from the Unit office to the Lecturer’s office and submit class admit card to him/her and sign the class register provided;
v. Begin to attend lectures as the class lecturer may direct.
The Unit’s Expectation from all Registered Students
i. Attend lectures regularly;
ii. Do and submit all course assignments punctually;
iii. Participate in simulation exercises when necessary;
iv. Obey all the University rules and regulations;
v. Observe the University dress code;
vi. Visit the Unit websites and Unit notice boards to get all the necessary information they need; or
vii. Consult a lecturer or appropriate member of staff of the Unit where the option number vi is unavailable